Prof NEYRET during the congress in Cheboksary placed under the umbrella of ESSKA in June 2024
In June 2024 STAP participation during this congress in Cheboksary placed under the umbrella of ESSKA.Thanks to Prof Nicolaiev and alexiev.
Prof philippe during the meeting in the athletico of Madrid end of May during FIFA médical center / Isokinetics
Thanks to Isokinetcs24 for organising a great meeting in the athletico of Madrid…
Prof. Philippe in Reem Hospital (Abu Dabi) on May 1st 2024
The international medical Reem Hospital hold on May 1st 2024 with more than 300 participants…
Prof Philippe with Prof Joäo during the ISAKOS Symposium in Riyadh
Move was very present during this ECOSEP Congress in April 2024…
Prof Philippe at the 17th Sport and knee Congress
The 17th Sport and knee Congress was a great success with almost 300 Belgian participants…
Prof Philippe at Sport and Knee Congress
Prof Philippe will participate in the Sport and Knee Congress…
Lima Knee Symposium february 2024
Prof Philippe attended the conference LKS with Dr JAIME Duboy..
AAOS Congress february 12-16 2024 in San Francisco
Prof Philippe participated in the annual meeting of American Academy Orthopaedics Surgeons…
8th ECOSEP Congress 25-26-27 April 2024
Prof Philippe chairs the congress and will speak at conferences.
Prof Philippe surgery in Moldova, november 2023
During a Philippe Neyret stay in Bucarest with Colonel Marius Stanescu, he was very glad to exchange with a great team and perform surgery with them.Philippe Neyret after performing 2 complex knee surgery in Moldova
Prof Philippe participated in 97th SOFCOT Congress, november13-15 2023
In Paris during SOFCOT the very successful event organised by United Europe More Than 100 participants and 4 outstanding speakers !! See you next here in Paris
Prof Philippe during the 29th annual international SACOT congress, december 2-4
Prof Philippe participated at the 29th annual international SACOT (Société Algérienne de Chirurgie Orthopedique & Traumatologique) congress, december 2-4, in Alger…
Prof Philippe during the 29th COTESP in Campinas Brazil
He is having 6 international guest lectures Prof roberto Ikenoto and Sergio Piedade brought together more than 500 participants congrats for this success…
Prof philippe during the opening ceremony in Lyon on June 4th during football medicine Isokinetics / FiFA congress
The players’ voices A very successful event organised by Dr Stefano della Villa and his team. See you next year in London
Prof. Philippe Neyret in Reem Hospital (Abu Dabi) : book your consultation today
The Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department of the Abu Dhabi Reem Hospital offers cutting-edge facilities and treatments for a wide range of musculoskeletal problems and injuries, including back pain, joint discomfort, and the most up-to-date knee, hip, and joint...
Prof Philippe participated in a Football and Sports Médicine Conference in Reem Hospital
Professor Philippe NEYRET participated in a sports medicine conference in Reem Hopsita, 8th february 2022. Dr Sebastian and Dr Nagib organised this event with the participation of an international faculty including Fifa médical center of excellence. Congrats to reem...
Professor Philippe joined Abu Dhabi Reem Hospital
Professor Philippe, independently of his Lyon or Swiis activities, recently joined Reem hospital and the ortho team under the leadership of Dr Nagib a Abu Dhabi ( UEA). The Lyon school of knee surgery continues to shine in the emirates where the sun is always present....
United Academy in SOFCOT congress
During the SOFCOT congress in November 2021 in Paris a “Side Event” was organized with more than 100 surgeons by United Orthopedic France…
Webinar, 27 mars 2021, Groupe Algérien de Chirurgie du Genou et d’Arthroscopie
Prof Philippe Neyret participe au webinar sur la Prothèse Totale de Genou de première intention avec le Docteur Vincent Villa et le Docteur Ahmed Zemmouri, président du groupe algérien de chirurgie du genou et d’arthroscopie.
Meeting in Serbia, March 2021
Prof Philippe Neyret went to Belgrade and Nis in Serbia during the second week of March 2021. He presented some concepts concerning the perioperative management of the knee replacement to the Academy of Science of Belgrade and the Ministry of Health.These meeting...
(Webinar) ISAKOS : infection after TKA
Prof Philippe Neyret participated to the worldwide webinar organized by ISAKOS, about infection after TKA, on July 30th 2020.
24/07 : Pr. Neyret in live Webinar for SAJA
Prof. Philippe was in Live Webinar on the 24th of July, sponsored by SAJA. He was speaking about Osteotomy in the ACL deficient knee, during 2 hours, demonstrating the very last innovations and techniques.
71th Egyptian Orthopaedic association National Congress in Cairo
Prof Philippe Neyret , our EFORT President, attented the 71th Egyptian Orthopaedic Association National Congress in Cairo, 16th-19th december 2019…
Oman SICOT 40th Orthopaedic World Congress
This year's Congress was held in collaboration with the Pan Arab Orthopedic Association,with doctors from around the world gathered to share their experience. This conference was a wonderful opportunity for young orthopedic surgeons to benefit from a wealth of...
94th SOFCOT Congress in Paris
On November 13 took place the 94th EFORT SoFCOT . It was very successful with one hundred participants.The fora was chaired by Profs Thierry Bègue and Philippe Neyret (EFORT's President). The outstanding contributions of F Benazzo, S Lustig, Semih Aydogdu, Matthieu...
29th National Congress of Turkish Orthopedic Association (TOTBID)
29th National Congress of Turkish Orthopedic Association (TOTBID) was held in Antalya, Turkey between 23-26th of October.There were 1800 participants with 464 national, 24 international speakers. There were 310 oral and 304 poster presentations.EFORT was represented...
Prof Philippe in Rio de Janeiro with Lyon Knee Surgery
Prof. Philippe was in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) for the “Journées Lyonnaises du Brésil” …
Prof. Philippe in Santiago, Chile
Prof Philippe was recently the guest of a Chilean group in Santiago. Here in the OR with Dr Negrin and Dr Iniguez
La Rochelle Congress
The 55th Congress of ” Société Orthopédique de l’Ouest ” was a great success.
Prof Philippe in Tunis
Prof Philippe in Tunis with Prof Môdher Mnarek and his staff.
EKA Course in Istanbul
Prof Philippe was present at the EKA Course Congress in Istanbul, in June
Prof Philippe in Cancun during the ISAKOS Congress May 12-16, 2019, with all the executive Isakos board
Prof Philippe is the immediate past president of ISAKOS…
Prof Philippe in Sao Paulo for a conference, May 6, 2019
Prof Philippe participated to a conference in San Jose…
Prof Philippe in Wembley stadium during the Isokinetic Medical Group Conference on April 28th 2019
A great conference with 3000 participants…
63rd Annual Conférence of India Orthopaedic Association …
Philippe Neyret invited as a special guess speaker for The 10th Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society
Prof Philippe Neyret was invited as a guest speaker for the 10th congress of the Asia Pacific Knee Society combined with ….
Philippe Neyret in Lima for an Arthroscopic Congress
Prof. Philippe Neyret participating in the Arthroscopic Lima Congress with most famous surgeons from USA …
Conference in Brazil
Prof Philippe had a conference for 20 Experts in Knee survey on October 27 in Vale de Paraiba closed to Sao Paulo (Brazil). He shared ideas about « How to implant a W Total Knee Arthroplasty In latéral femorotibial tibial osteoarthritis ». Dr Zuppi and Dr...
Prof. Philippe Neyret operating in Brazil
Prof Philippe in Goiâna , Brazil is operating with Dr Haley and Dr Marcelo. A total knee replacement was performed using French implants (Amplitude) with Prof. Helder. After Prof. Philippe gave several presentations and shared ideas with 25 Brazilian orthopedics...
Prof philippe presented a recorded presentation for the “Journées lyonnaises du genou”
Prof philippe presented a recorded presentation for the "Journées lyonnaises du genou", hold in September 2018. New technology made very realistic his presentation. The successful meeting welcomed more than 850 participants and was chaired by Dr Badet and...
Prof Philippe with the Presidential line of ISAKOS in USA
Prof Philippe with the Presidential line of ISAKOS in USA during spring 2018. Prof. W. Van der Merve ( 1st VP / South Africa, Prof. Philippe ( Past P / France), Prof; Marc Safran ( USA/ the current President) and Prof Gullermo Arce ( 2nd VP/ Argentina)...
Prof Philippe in August 2018 during the 5th Korea Japanese Knee Osteotomy Symposium
200 international participants Prof Philippe is with some world leader in Incheon One can see Prof Ahn and Prof Chang Bum Chong two of the World leaders in Knee Surgery
Prof. Philippe Neyret invited in China by the Governor of Guizhou
Prof Philippe was invited in China the third week of July 2018 by the Governor of the Guizhou province. The French delegation included the President of the french Sino circle, Jacques van Minden, but also Melissa Viallon et Pierre Mailloux. A cooperation agreement was...
Conference in Guiyang hospital
Prof Philippe was invited to give a one hour conference about the contribution of the French orthopaedics surgeons to the world in Guiyang hospital, located in the ecologic province of Guizhou. Professor Chen Shiyi from Shanghai joined him. More than 300 chinese...
Orthopedic Ambulatory Surgery Anesthesia congress in Annecy
Dr de Polignac with his colleagues Dr Villeminot and Dr Cassard organized a large meeting in Annecy dedicated to fast track and one day surgery. Many aspects were discussed for the benefits and well being of orthopedic patient. Dr Thierry de Polignac here with...
Prof. Neyret at the 7th Isokinetic meeting in Barcelona
The 7th Isokinetic meeting was hold in the new camp in Barcelona. It was a real success with the best speakers and surgeons worldwide (as Prof Joao Espregueira Mendes, moises Cohen..see Prof F. FU with the flag) involved in football injuries. Prof Stefano della Villa...
Professor Neyret at the 19th EFORT Congress in Barcelona
Onder Aydingoz (EFORT Président) during the Annual congress in Barcelona with Prof Philippe Neyret, incoming first Vice President. EFORT is the prestigious federation of the national societies of orthopedics and traumatology in Europe including more than 40.000...
Philippe Neyret in Ukraine for an ISAKOS members congress on May
ISAKOS approved course in Lviv Ukraine organised with igor Zazinyi an ISAKOS member on May 2018 prof Philippe Neyret is one the guest of the national arthroscopic association. He delivers presentations about AVL and patellofemoral disorders in front more tan 500...
Professor Philippe at the 6th Emirates International Orthopaedic Congress
Professor Neyret was in Dubai, from May 3rd to 5th for the 6th Emirates Internation Orthopaedic Congress. The 6th Emirates orthopedics association meeting hold on April 2018 welcome more than 500 participants and a prestigious faculty. The President Saeed Al Thani was...
Conferences and surgery with Professor Hamid in Monastir
Conferences and surgery were scheduled.